Monday, May 13, 2013

Bacon wrapped Cheddar Chicken over Rainbow Chard

Bacon wrapped Cheddar Chicken 

over Rainbow Chard

When I was trying to decide what to cook this week for my friend Bryan, I texted him this menu and said "ooookkkkkkk." He had no idea what rainbow chard was and was super nervous, but said he would try anything.  (Also, he doesn't eat "white" creamy things, but he said white cheddar didn't count.)  This could easily also be a paleo meal if you replace the cheese with a vegetable or other ingredients.  These great ingredients made a delicious meal for us. 

Take your portions of chicken breast and pound until thinner and evenly sized using mallet. 


Place about 1 ounce of cheddar on the side of the chicken and roll.  

Take 1 piece of bacon per serving and wrap around the chicken and the cheese.

Bake chicken (seam side down) uncovered at 400 degrees for about 30-40 minutes or until thermometer reaches 170 degrees. Broil for 5 minutes to crisp up bacon.

While chicken is in the oven, cook your rainbow chard.

Thinly chop the stems and roughly chop the leaves.

Heat 1 tbsp oil in skillet. Add 1 clove garlic, finally chopped, and 1 tsp crushed red pepper.

(note: when the chard is this young, you don’t have to cook the stems as long, but if the stems are larger, cook them for at least 5 minutes more than the leaves.

Add 2 tbsp of water and cover. (You may need to add more water if the dish is too dry.) Stir vegetable occasionally. Cook for about 10 minutes or until tender. Add salt to taste.

I also served it alongside this amazing Spinach and Feta bread from Stickboy Bread. 

Bryan even went back for seconds!
The rainbow chard, bread, and cheddar all came to my door thanks to Backyard Produce.

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