Monday, October 17, 2016

Hand-made Egg Pasta (from Italy)

Hand-made Egg Pasta (from Italy) 

This was, by far, my favorite thing to have learned to make it Italy! We made it back in Charlotte since, and had such a good time with our friends! As long as you roll this thin enough, it's super easy to make any night of the week! 

Impress your friends by making your own pasta! This recipe is the base for all types of home-made pasta.  

Ingredients: (times how many servings you would like to make. Makes 2)
100 mg plain 00 flour
1 eggs
A pinch of salt

Sift the flour on to a clean work surface. Form a kind of volcano-shaped mound with a well in the center. Break the eggs into the middle and add the salt. Use a fork to whisk egg into flour.

With a floured work space, knead the dough with the heel of one hand. Continue to knead the dough for 5-10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic. Add additional flour as needed as you roll it.  

Gently roll it out on a floured surface with a rolling pin to form a sheet of roughly 3mm in thickness. 

Fold the dough over little by little sprinkling a little flour over the dough each time. Cut into small rolls, open them and put to rest on a clean cloth for about 30 minutes. (depending on the width will adjust the size pasta. This is a Tagliatelle.)  

When ready, bring to the boil a pot of salted water, add the pasta and cook it for 2-5 minutes as desired.
Charlotte version with Meat Ragu

Cooking pasta:Italians like to eat their pasta ʻal denteʼ so here are a few tips to make sure you cook your pasta the Italian way…. -As a first choice make fresh pasta by following this recipe, but if this is not possible, then buy pasta with egg. If cooking bought pasta strictly follow the timings given on the box to prevent the pasta from becoming too soft! -Make sure the sauce is always ready for when the pasta is. Never cook the pasta and then leave it til the sauce is ready, so time carefully and if the sauce you choose takes a long time to make, then prepare it before hand and refrigerate if needed. -If your sauce gets too thick then use the pasta water to reduce it slightly rather than normal water. -Salt the cooking water as it comes to the boil before putting in your pasta. -When the pasta is ready toss it into the pan to ensure that the pasta is covered in its sauce.
LOVED meeting these awesome American's in Italy!!! 

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