Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Being hit on... Where???

One of my favorite places to volunteer is at the Ronald McDonald House in Charlotte (, but that is sadly where today's story is located!

It's easy to sign up to do a craft, bingo night, cook, donate, or just drop off Soda Pop Tabs - All super easy and affordable.

Could this be more inappropriate? :-)

Once or so a month, I go and do crafts or bingo nights at RMH. Today, Natalie and I were there creating key chains and animal bead coasters. A few kids came up right away and started creating, and later were joined by their Dad.

(Now mind you, the reason people are living at the house is that they have a very sick child at Levine Children's Hospital and are living there since they aren't from the area.)

So this man started talking with us, which was completely normal. As the craft time started, and his sons were crafting, we all chatted. He explained at first how I was cool to talk to, but over the next hour, he took it to a whole 'nother level! I think the compliments/awkward comments included: You are the coolest, I'll drive to Fort Mill for you, How in the world can you be single, Your eyes are beyond amazing, mmm girl, When can we hang out again, and so on...

The complete KICKER? His SONS are not even a yard away from these whispered comments and they could hear it all! (Natalie explained how she could hear from 3 yards away and how uncomfortable she felt!) hahaha!

I know you can't believe I wouldn't go for: The guy whose child is in the hospital (which is where I assume the baby mama was), his other two sons are within arms reach of me, and I am just there trying to do something nice.

Yes, I passed on this keeper. :-)

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